I'm back!

Guess who's back? Hi there, friends! If you are a returning reader of this blog and have stuck through this 4+ year hiatus, well then, blue ribbons for everyone! In all seriousness, though, it truly means a lot that anyone would be interested in reading about my life, so a big, virtual hug for you all! 

A lot and not a lot has changed for us in the past 4 years. We are still in our same home driving our same cars. I am still at my same job- I actually work for my dad and he is planning on retiring in 3 years, so I'm trying to figure out what's next for me. I would love to find some sort of a side-hustle gig that I can turn into full time when he retires, allowing me to work from home and be more available when my kids get off the bus, are sick and need to stay home, or even when we travel having the flexibility of not having to take vacation days! I've been praying about it a lot lately, and maybe this urge to blog I get every once in awhile is actually God answering a prayer. (although if anyone has any ideas on how to become a travel agent, let me know! 😉)

My little guy, who wasn't even one in my last post, is going to be 6 in November and starting Kindergarten in the fall! We added to our family in September of 2019 and had a little girl! It's so much fun having one of each 😊 Their personalities are definitely different- my son is more on the timid side with such a tender heart; my daughter on the other hand, is very much the second born! Spit fire, brave, sassy-pants... They keep life fun!

My husband and I are hopefully planning some big home projects coming up too. We are planning on putting in a patio in the backyard this year yet, as well as [finally] starting to finish our basement! It is completely unfinished, so we will be able to do what we want with it. Having a second bathroom will feel like a luxury too 😉 Hopefully I can take you guys along for the ride! 

We also have a bit of traveling coming up throughout the next 7 or so months. I personally love watching packing and travel videos on YouTube, and I was thinking of adding some travel series videos along with blog posts! What do you guys think? I definitely don't want to burn myself out over this, but if nothing else it makes for a great memory keeping project I can look back on in the years to come.

How have you all been? Let me know down below! I can't wait to chat with you all and thank you again for following along!

Picture from my sister's wedding in October 2020

The Japanese Garden at Como Zoo and Conservatory 


  1. I'm SO excited to see you back blogging again, sweet friend!! It was really fun to catch up with you through this post and to see these snapshots of your beautiful family! It's so hard to believe how quickly your kids are growing up, but I know from my own just how fast that happens! Hooray for the home updates you guys have in the works and your upcoming travels too! I look forward to following along in any way you chose to share. I totally get the need to make sure you don't burn yourself out too. I think that's partially why I stopped blogging for a bit. For me it's just been a hobby and when it starts to feel like work then I step away. lol. Having the blog posts to look back on is priceless though! It's such a nice way to share and preserve memories at the same time. :) I'll be praying for you as you consider different options for the future after your dad retires. Again, so great to see a fresh new post on these lovely blog of yours! I couldn't visit fast enough after I heard you are back! :D

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comments, Brenda!! It truly means a lot! Yes, if nothing else this will help preserve these sweet memories from when my kids are young :) I'm sure they will love to revisit them too in the future!


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