July Favorites

Hi, friends! I'm back with another monthly favorites post sharing some of my favorite things of July! We've got a little bit of everything here- home, beauty, media, memories... so sit back, relax and hopefully you can find some new-to-you things to try out for yourself!


First and foremost, I'm so very thankful that we still have our girl, Zoe, with us. A few weeks ago, we had a big health scare with her; a few expensive vet visits, will she or won't she need surgery, we thought we were going to have to put her down... after all of that, we don't have specific answers on why she was sick- the vet is thinking something she ate could have caused pancreatitis. She is back to normal now, but at 10-years-old we know we don't have many years left with her, so this whole ordeal really made us appreciate her even more.

We thought these would be the last pictures with our girl :( I'm so thankful they weren't!


After a year of staying at home, we were able to go on two vacations in July- one with my husband's family and one with mine. I blogged a little bit about our Door County vacation here and here and will be blogging about our other trip in the weeks to come. It was just so nice being able to spend time with both sides of our family while getting away from our usual routine. Two things I'm definitely thankful for after the past year and a half are time spent with family and travel!


One item we used for the first time during our Door County trip was this travel bunk bed. Since there are 4 of us now, we really need to maximize the space in the room that we stay in, so we decided to invest in a Disc-O-Bed. We got ours from Costco (you can find it on Amazon too). It was definitely an investment piece, but we know it will definitely come in handy when traveling to other people's homes, or even if we have company come and stay with us. My husband and son slept on it during our trip and they both said it was super comfortable!

Bunk beds make good jungle gyms ;)


I have actually been using these for almost a year now, but I'm still loving these Dashing Diva nail strips! I used to love painting my nails, but I didn't really do it much after my son was born (what mom has time to let their nails dry!). I've tried different nail wraps in the past, but I feel like these hold up the best! It's basically a nail sticker, but they can last on my nails for 2 weeks without chipping! You can find them at Target or Walmart, but if you order through their website they do have a rewards program. If you use my referral link, you can even get $5 off your first order! They have lots of fun colors and patterns for different times of year! They have press-on nails too, which I haven't tried yet- let me know if you have and if you like them!


I'm a few years behind the times, but I started watching Virgin River on Netflix this past month. I'm only a few episodes in, but I really like it so far! It's definitely a feel-good show that has all the feeling of a Hallmark movie. Sometimes you just need a show you don't have to think about too much :)


Our garden started producing in July! In Minnesota we usually can't plant until mid-late May, so July is when we start reaping the rewards of our labors :) We have rhubarb and raspberries that have been doing better and better each subsequent year, and we have a large raised-bed garden that we've planted all kinds of veggies in- beans, peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, basil... we've just started seeing the first veggies come through and I'm excited to see what August and September will bring! Last year we were able to freeze bags of green beans and I made a bunch of pasta sauce to freeze too with all the tomatoes we got! It's so fun to pull out a bag of veggies or sauce in the middle of winter and have that summer taste :)

My husband and his dad built the far bed last year and the closer one this past spring. We weren't able to get anything planted in it this year, but next year we have big plans!

Our raspberry bushes and rhubarb

Our zucchinis have been getting huge so fast! Good thing both of my kids love them!


Finally, July was my official return to blogging after a many-year hiatus! I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read my posts (and even comment!). If you missed any of my posts in July, here are links to them:

I'm Back!

June Favorites

Door County Favorites: Part 1

Door County Favorites: Part 2

What were some of your favorite things from July? I can't wait to chat with you in the comments!


  1. I'm so thankful to hear that you still have your sweet Zoe with you! My dad nearly died of pancreatitis almost 20 years ago. He was in ICU for weeks, ended up needing to go on dialysis, and it caused him to become diabetic. All that to say, while it's likely different in dogs, I understand how serious that is and I'm thankful that was not your last picture with Zoe. It's also a blessing that these things we wouldn't hope for really do cause us to more fully appreciate things (like another day with your darling dog) that might otherwise be taken for granted. <3 My heart is so full for you hearing about the trips you took with both sides of the family! What an awesome turn around after a year and a half without travel! Speaking of travel, I have never seen a travel bunk bed! That is awesome and certainly will be a worth while investment for your family! Hooray for your garden goodies! I'm sure that'll all be much enjoyed. :) I've never checked out that show, but with Hallmark feels it sounds like a good one! Fun monthly recap, friend! Hope August is a great month for you all too!

    1. Wow, I had no idea it could affect humans like that! How scary, but a blessing that your dad made it through!


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